
Connection / Conexión
Latīnum / Latin / Latín


“De la tierra”

humano / human / humain / umano

castellano / english / français / italiano

Humano viene de la misma raíz etimológica que humus, tierra. Los seres humanos nacemos de la “Madre Tierra”, la que engendra y sostiene la vida, la que finalmente nos recoge en su seno



humano / human / humain / umano

castellano / english / français / italiano

The word human comes from the same etymological root as humus, earth. As human beings we are born from “Mother Earth”, which births and sustains life, and will eventually gather us in her bosom

References / Bibliografía

Lebech, M. (2004). What is human dignity?. Maynooth philosophical papers, 2, 59-69